Seven Sages of India

Enlighten Knowledge

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Enlighten Knowledge 

Enlighten Knowledge

Feel Absolute Transcendence

Lose Vanity – Sage

Right from birth the child starts acquiring knowledge, through observation, teaching, reading, writing, and by experience. Life in a way is to get enlightened of knowledge.

Fortunately one gets knowledge through parents, teachers, friends, community, books and discourses. The knowledge makes the person known in the society and shall bring him respect and laurels too. At the same time, it also brings with it, vanity into the person.

Most fortunate are those who are blessed and are able to get enlightened of absolute transcendent knowledge.

A little acquisition of knowledge brings with it such vanity; we can just imagine what sort it would be, when a person acquires the transcendent knowledge. So, a person when gets such knowledge he is called a scholar, teacher, pundit, scientist, intellectual, philosopher or a guide. But, he cannot or shall not be an enlightened person or a sage.

To be a sage one has to lose or dispossess vanity. One should be humble, courteous and compassionate. 

This is what the Haiku means to say.    

I give here below the information of sages of this world, who have been so.

Some of the URLs shall take you to them and make you know of the Absolute Knowledge itself.

If you know some information of sages you can as well put the information in your comments below. 


Seven Ancient Greek Sages

SCOD Philosophy is based on many thinkers,

but we begin with Seven Ancient Greek Philosopher Sages:

Thales, Pythagoras, Empedocles, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Epicurus

The ‘Classical’ philosophies of ancient Greeks are the first on historic record to start asking the most basic yet profound questions of Life, the Universe, and everything. Modern philosophies tend to ask more complex questions about our experiences in Existence, and many of the basic questions are redefined by scientific theories. It is wise to know past examples of thought, although we are capable of coming to many of the same conclusions without having read them, or may have already formulated some similar theories independently.

(The original Seven Sages of Greece were: Thales, Pittacus, Periander, Cleobulus, Solon, Bias, Chilon)
The SCOD list of 7 Sages is:  Thales, Pythagoras, Empedocles, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Epicurus


Thales is considered the father of Philosophy. He lived in Miletus in Eastern Greece across the Aegean Sea, in Ionia (now Western Turkey)


Pythagoras was from Samos, Ionia circa 500 BC. He was a spiritual mathematician and philosopher (lover of wisdom). He made mystical world travels, and used music and math together as a language to understand the Universe.


Empedocles of Sicily circa 450 BC is considered a pluralist because he believed that all things were inter-connected, even seemingly opposing philosophies. His open-minded theories embraced the Four Elements (Roots), Reincarnation, Magnetism, and Mixture and Separation (Love and Strife). 


Socrates was from Athens, Greece circa 400 BC. He was a philosopher, stone mason, soldier, and mentor. He was considered a public gadfly because he would stand around the stoa and engage random people in his pedagogy by a ‘method of dialogue’ (elenchus) which involved asking questions to arrive at truths. 

“I only know that I know nothing.”

“As the Delphi Oracle says: Know thyself.”

“The unexamined life is not worth living.”

Golden Rules

“Do not do to others, what angers you if done to you by others.”

“Be kind to everyone, as though they are fighting a hard battle.”


Plato was a student and biographer of Socrates, circa 380 BC. He developed his own theories of reality (metaphysics), mathematics, logic, ethics, and epistemology. The material world is an illusion based on the real world of archetypal forms. 

“Friend to all is friend to none”

“All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind”

“Virtue is justice”

“Happiness is the meaning of life”

“Common danger unites enemies”


Aristotle circa 340 BC was a student of Plato, and a mentor to Alexander the Great. Aristotle studied all subjects and advocated learning from analyzing experiences and observations in existence. His empirical theories was unparalleled for over 2,000 years, and laid the basis for Existentialism.

“Friend to all is friend to none”

“All paid jobs absorb and degrade the mind”

“Virtue is justice”

“Happiness is the meaning of life”

“Common danger unites enemies”


Epicurus of Samos circa 300 BC, believed in happiness, tranquility, peace, comfort, and communal and individual contentment. He believed we have only one life to live, and therefore we should strive to be happy now.

“Eat, drink, and be merry; for tomorrow we may die.”

“The highest good is pleasure”

“Freedom has few possessions, for property makes us subject to mobs and monarchs”

“Do not fear death, it is not here now, but when it comes it will not matter anymore”

“Happiness has no desires”

“It is not what we have, but what we enjoy that constitutes abundance”

“Nothing is enough for the man to whom enough is too little”

The Seven Sages of China  


The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove have inspired not only generations of poets, but also painters and other artists.

The Nine Sages of India during Emperor Asoka 


In India, there is a story of Nine Unknown Men that goes back to the time of the Emperor Asoka. Whether the seven unknown men and the seven sages were the same individuals remains unknown.

Asoka respected all religions and promoted peace according to God’s wishes. All living beings should enjoy security, peace, happiness and live in freedom. He preached vegetarianism, abolished alcohol and the slaughter of animals.

This led to the creation of the Nine Unknown Men, world’s most powerful society founded by Emperor Asoka.

rishis-of-india-1 – There are many reasons why we should treat the wisdom of the past seriously. Many of our so-called modern inventions are in fact nothing more than re-inventions of technology our ancestors were familiar with thousands of years ago.

Indian Mythology: The Seven Great Sages or Saptarishis


Hindu Mythology has three main Gods: Brahma, the Creator, Vishnu, the Preserver and Mahesha (Shiva),the destroyer. The Saptarishis mean Sapta=Seven Rishi(s)=Sage(s) or the Seven Rishis in Sanskrit, an Indian language from which most of Indian languages have evolved.

These Seven Rishis are the great seers, caretakers, mind born sons of Brahma.In a similar way, Greeks too had seven wise men namely Cleobulos, Periandros, Bias, Pittacos, Chilon, Solon and Thales which shows that mythologies around the globe do have parallel connections though it will take another hundred years for researchers to prove it.They live for a period of time known as a manvantar (306,720,000 Earth Years). Though incredulous, that is what Indian mythology is about.


Enlightened beings are the ones who bring light into this world, who have surrendered to the truth within of us. Maybe, God-the almighty ordered them not to return to their home as they had to do this work here for all of us to get inspired and be one among them.

I try to give some of the names of Enlightened beings on this earth of the past centuries.

Vyasa, Vashista, Astavakra, Rama, Krishna, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Mohammad, Shankaracharya, Basho, Omar Khayyam, Rumi, Janaka Maharaj, Dyaneshwar, Swami Ramadas, Kabir, Moses, Meera, St John, Bodhidharma, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Guru Nanak, Mahavira, Hakim Sanai, Meister Eckhart… the list though not endless; they are few as the enlightened are few, but still giving and showing us the light, they are lost in eternity.    

 Here is the name of Enlightened persons of the modern days, I mean of the nineteenth and twentieth century.

Osho Rajneesh,Ramakrishna Paramahansa, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Ramatirth, Swami Shivananda, Siddha Roodha, Gurunatha Roodha, Swami Muppinarya, Swami Yeritata, Ramana Maharshi, Eckhart Tolle, Rabindranath Tagore, Robert Adams, Swami Rama, Paramahansa Yogananda…. they shall keep coming, they shall lead us to the path to eternity.